Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Seven more days!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new blog-- made by Spenser (thank you!) so I can share all my European adventures with my friends and family while I'm away. I'm not much of a journalist, but hopefully I'll get the hang of this so I can post pictures and get used to logging in every so often. Feel free to leave comments (or posts, or however this works)-- I'd love to know how everyone is doing back in the States as well!

I'm studying in Alcala de Henares, an old city about 40 minutes outside of Madrid. The university, Instituto Franklin, is an extension of the greater Universidad de Alcala de Henares which focuses on international students. All my classes will be in Spanish, but I'm not nervous (yet!).

Not much to report yet, just counting down the days until I leave. Thanks for listening!