Thursday, December 16, 2010

Marta, and a short list of things I'll miss.

I said goodbye to my intercambio, Marta, today. I haven't talked about her much because I usually just blog about my trips, but she and I have been meeting about twice a week this semester to practice my Spanish. Her patience and suggestions really helped my confidence in speaking and she introduced me to great cafes around Alcala. It's been a great learning experience because she's definitely where I get most of my speaking practice. My classes weren't discussion-based this semester, so I didn't talk in class that often. Going out to bars at night was okay practice, but the majority of the conversations ended with "No, I'm not drunk, Yes, I'm American, No, I don't want to ir a la calle." Not the deepest conversations I've ever had. Therefore, an intercambio was the best option for me to actually improve my skills.

But Marta is more than just a good teacher; she's become one of my great friends. We share really similar views of the world--I was able to talk about my love of environmentalism, refugee work, living on my own, traveling, etc. and she was happy to share her views too. It gave me the opportunity to not only communicate how I felt about things but actually think things through and realize things I hadn't in the past. She's also had a bit more life experience than I which was really great. I like talking to people who are smarter than me because I always learn something new!

Most importantly: She's helped me find balance. There's a balance between independence and relationships, fiestas and studying, seriousness and being laid back, strength and asking for help, travel and home. She has been a sister to me (I promised I would take care of myself and not get sick over Christmas) and has contributed immensely to my experience here in Spain. I love her very much for that.

Well, now that I've barely done her justice in trying to fit a semester's worth of relationship background into three paragraphs, here's a few more points about my last day here!

What I am going to miss about Spain:
  • eating bread with every meal
  • my two minute walk to school
  • hearing spanish every single day
  • cheap European travel
  • being a part of the Alcala community (people recognize us when we go out--it's fun!)
  • my spanish mama's cooking
  • public transportation and walking everywhere
  • the eco friendly habits of Spaniards (ask me later and I'll go on about it!)
  • attractive professors
  • free laundry (thanks, spanish Mama)
  • siesta
What I'm not going to miss about Spain:
  • computer printers that never work at universities
  • every public bathroom I've entered around here
  • packing and unpacking every weekend
  • living with a parent (especially one that's not mine)
  • managing a time difference to talk to my friends and family
  • being unemployed
  • all the cigarette smoke
Now, those clearly aren't ALL of the things I'll miss/not miss, but those are the ones that come to mind now. I am actually really, really sad to leave. I feel like a semester was just a taste of what I would want full time--living in Europe, speaking another language. I'm already trying to find ways to come back.

I'm sure I'll do one more post, maybe something with some favorite photos or something. Keep reading!


ps--even with all my traveling, I've got another 4.0GPA semester under my belt. I am very proud :)


  1. "computer printers that never work at universities"

    Worse than BU? *shudder*


  2. Mack, un amigo comun que es atractivo y profesor me comento que habias puesto estas palabras tan bonitas para mi...muchas gracias mack...aveces la vida te da estas sorpresas...como iba a pensar yo que iba a encontrar alguien como tu tan especial en un final hemos hablado de todo lo que nos iba pasando en estos meses, amor, amistad, la perdida de mi padre, la visita de tu madre, las compras, el chocolate, los hombres, los amigos, los hermanos...Teniamos que publicarlo en un libro..eran buenos debates y divertidos...Te extraño mucho sister
